Monday, December 28, 2009

The link between font and a brand

Over the christmas there are many beer commercials on, but for me this one stood out. It is a heineken ad, where the viewer see's through the eyes of a person going to friends house's and being welcomed in. We know it is an ad, but we are not sure what yet, because they have not shown the heineken logo or anything obvious to suggest what brand it is for.
Then on screen, with a black background, some text appears (that still doesn't mention Heineken) but as soon as I saw this I instantly realised that the ad was for Heineken.No, im not physic, I just recognised the font.
If asked a lot of people might not know what the Heineken font is like, but it is something that we have subconsciously learned over time through advertising and branding.
I just found it really interesting to see first hand how effective and important text and font can be used. It can be used in the most subtle ways, but it is always important to consider that the font used is part of the message, even if we do not realise it.