Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Firstly i think its funny that you cant use Helvetica on!

I never really knew that much about Helvetica, and it was interesting to see in the documentary how widely used it is.
To be honest i was never really that into choosing fonts. I would just highlight my text and go through all the fonts to see what looks good. ignorant perhaps, but in my defense im not a graphic design person really. Now I think I'm in danger of using Helvetica for everything! So I'll have to make sure I don't.
I was surprised at the level of detail and precision in design also when designing a font.
I think the biggest testament to Helvetica is how it is still so widely used even after 50 years.

In the documentary they showed a lot of logo's and signs that use Helvetica, so I started to open my eyes more when i was out to fonts etc. The other night at the cinema I saw what was probably one of the worst signs I have ever seen. It was a homemade sign for Thorntons chocolate 2 for 1 offer i think. Now the logo from Thortons looks like this...
Only problem was the rest of the sign was written in this font too. AND the sign was around 5 or 6 foot behind the counter. so chances of anyone reading it or bothering to try and read something so illegible is very slim. I just wonder what person is lacking common sense so much that they would do something like this!

Moving on....I found this fun little flash 'game' i suppose. Any people interested in font might enjoy it! (you can control the Helvetica letters)

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