Thursday, November 26, 2009

Image Assignment

These are four images for a recent assignment. We had to create an image using only photographs (no text and only basic photoshop adjustments) to show the meaning of the following four words: Love, Hate, Strong, Corrupt.

The concept for this image was the idea that two people want to spend their lives together. I added saturation to really make the couple stand out and be the focus point.


The conept here is 'the qualities the people hate within themselves'. The image also represents the pressure teenagers (and girls in particular) feel.


The concept is the feeling strong, and that people are strong when they are united and in a community. The image is of the public sector on strike.


The idea here is that the banks are corrupt and that they have brought on this recession and that they have put this homeless person to the streets. He also represents all the people that have been done wrong by the banks. The bank looks big and strong and in contrast is the man below.

Any questions/comments welcome!

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